
Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Psychology of happiness is attributed to these 7 habits

 September 15, 2022, 12:25 pm

Our life is a constant chase for things we desire and think can finally make us happy. But even when these things are acquired, our happiness does not last long. Recently, a study was carried out at Northwestern University that measured the psychology of happiness levels of regular people with the ones who have been able to achieve big lottery prizes. As the results revealed, it surprised the researchers. It was revealed that the happiness levels of common people and the winners were actually similar.

It means we have been driven all our lives by a mistaken belief that acquiring things can make us happy. Experts state that happiness is created by our own self and it lasts through our habits. Incredibly happy people keep their happiness with the habits they maintain in their daily life.  The habits of highly effective people are covered in detail by Stephen R.Covey in his book 7 habits of highly effective people.

Following are a few of the habits that anyone can adopt:

1- Be with the right people:

When we surround ourselves with people who stay positive and remain confident in their abilities, happiness spreads all over the place. For making happiness a part of our life, we need to avoid the company of negative people and change our friends and surround ourselves with the ones who are fun to work with.

2- Appreciate little things:

The tough routine in life makes us unaware of the little things that make it possible to keep working. we forget to be grateful for the energy we have, the meals we get to eat, the conversations we can have with our family, or even a few steps that we can take on our own in the fresh air. We need to develop a habit of being grateful for all things and it will keep us happy constantly.

3- Spending money on others:

We feel that when we will buy new things for ourselves, it will make us happy. But that is not true as research has shown that we become really happy when we spend money on others. when we buy people the food they like or the things they really need, it is the greatest source of happiness for ourselves.

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